Frederick Hammersley
One Good Turn, 1980
34 x 34 inches
34 3/4 x 34 3/4 inches framed
Oil on linen
”Although historically pinpointed as a hard-edge Painter, Frederic Hammersley's subtle abstract imagery also touches on the metaphysical, playing with spatial ambiguity, illusion depth and the viewers dimensional imagination.

”Known foremost for his refined surface, treatment of glass and explorations of light, Larry Bell’s practice allows him to expand visual and physical fields of perception to surpass traditional bounds of his two dimensional works.

Larry Bell
Violets are Blue, 1990
43 3/4 x 84 1/4 inches
Aluminum and silicon monoxide on canvas
Till Gerhard’s pictorial world moves between figuration and abstraction, and upon closer inspection, the depicted figures reflect spiritual and mythological interests, including pagan, rituals, and shamanism. His figures often turn their backs on the viewers, thereby marking the boundary between interior and exterior worlds.

Salomon Huerta
Untitled (Hazard), 1994
Charcoal on paper
28 1/2 x 22 1/2 inches paper
34 x 28 inches framed

Mark Dutcher
Time Machine (Still), 2013-15
Oil and graphite on canvas in artists frame
89 1/2 x 54 1/2 inches

Robert Longo
Dragon’s Head, 2005
Archival pigment print on Somerset velvet paper
edition of 100
53 x 43 inches paper
55 3/4 x 45 3/4 inches framed
”Art is a form of understanding like philosophy and science and
Robert Longo
mathematics are an understanding but the difference is that art has the
capacity to hold all these different things. It is the form of understanding
that is best suited for the contemporary time.